The field of Radiology is changing rapidly. We should be updated with newer technology. Here we include some referals which should help us for our professional development. Also inculded some important articles from our members. Inviting interesting articles from your side to include in this page. Plaese mail your articles to [email protected]

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X Ray

Xrays are electromagnetic waves having wave length 0.01 to 10 nanometers and frequency 3 X 1019 to 3 X 1016. Xrays are very important component in the field of diagnostic radiology as well as radiotherapy. Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen becomes the first person to observe X-rays, a significant scientific advancement that would ultimately benefit a variety of fields, most of all medicine, by making the invisible visible. The great discovery was On 8th November 1895.

Godfrey Hounsfield

CT Scan

A computed tomographic image is a display of anatomy of a thin slice of body developed from multiple Xray absorption measurements made around the body’s periphery.
Godfrey Newbold Hounsfield and Allan McLeod Cormack were marked as the inventors of CT Scan and was in 1972. Later both were awarded Nobel prize for their contributions to medicine and science.

Allan McLeod Cormack

Dr Sven-Ivar Seldinger

Interventional Radiology

Is a sub specialty of Radiology in which minimally invasive procedures are performed using image guidance and is for diagnose as well as treatment. The procedures include Treatment of vascular problems, angiogram, angioplasty, Embolization of arteries, Bioipsies, Drainage of fluid collection etc
Angiography was the first successful procedure and was in 1923.A procedure named Seldinger technique which is used to easily access the blood vessels was introduced by Dr Sven-Ivar Seldinger in 1953 , which laid down the foundation of interventional radiology and in 1963,Dr Charles Dotter introduced the modern interventional radiology.

Dr Charles Dotter

MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging

MRI uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of the organs and tissues within the body.
In 1970’s Sir Peter Mansfield and Paul Lauterber discovered how to create images from NMR signal and were awarded nobel prize for their contribution. However Raymond Damadian must also be recognized for his innovation and construction of the first full body human MR scanner

Sir Peter Mansfield

Paul Lauterber

Raymond Damadian